There's so much information out there about how you should be managing your finances: what numbers to track, which tools to use, and what the heck all of that even means for your business right now and moving forward.
Plus, figuring out how much, how often, and when to pay yourself. As well as helping you identify which offers are financially worthwhile, and which are no longer worth your time or investment.
You're terrified of your finances.
You feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start.
Your revenue is increasing but your profit remains the same.
You aren't paying yourself.
You're scared of tax season.
You'll have access to me and my team for any ongoing communication through our email check-ins. We encourage you to reach out for any one-off questions that come up from time to time.
You can expect an email from my team around the first week of each month with questions relating to transactions we are unfamiliar with. This is totally normal and helps us ensure we are properly categorizing your transactions to give you the most accurate picture. Monthly financial and visual reporting will be delivered no later than the 20th day of the following month.
After signing the engagement letter, We will send you a request for all necessary items to get everything set for us to take over your bookkeeping. We'll also hold a kick-off call to go over any of your questions and ensure we have view-only access to the necessary accounts.